>>7825732>Good sales don't make it the highest quality. It literally just means more people had them, ergo more people are likely to be nostalgic for it.But it's a fairly obvious indication of how Bionicle started off super strong then interested in it gradually declined up to its cancellation.
>The rahi looked thrown-together and inconsistent, like they were from Slizers and got tossed into Bionicle with a couple changes. And when I said ugly, I didn't mean "oh they're intimidating", no, I meant that their design seems flawed and they don't look good from most angles.You still haven't given an explanation as to how they're "flawed" and/or "inconsistent" in any regard, because the designers intended for them to look like various dangerous wildlife and they've succeeded in that regard. Unless you're implying that all the rahi needed to have the same basic mold with different colors to be considered "consistent", which I really hope you aren't.
>most of the stupid retcons were added way laterYes but I'm saying it went wrong when the true origins of the matoran were revealed, which destroyed the mythos.
>I just like the added complexities and bigger politics that 2004+ added to the mix.Which would have worked fine had they rebooted it back then and added a new continuity instead of literally erasing the old mythology.