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Well at long fucking last. My Prince of Wales from back when someone gave us a heads up on the cheap HK seller also showed up yesterday, that's a whole lotta stuff in that box. Seemed somewhat roughly treated by the shipping, the protective sprue bits Flyhawk put around the tips of the deck and waterline base were both broken off, and the tips naturally bent. At least they tried I guess.
And for a first run with Mr Paint, I'm pretty happy. Got a bit of a nozzle clog running small needle, undiluted and low pressure for the preshading, but it was getting close to needing to clean the nozzle when I was done, instead of having to do it three or four times along the way like I most likely would have with Vallejo Air. Switch up to the bigger needle, add in a third or so of Mr Levelling Thinner and it worked very nicely. Levelled out well, dried quickly, nice balance between translucency and opacity so I could cover what I wanted, and dial in how visible the pre-shading remained as best as my eyes and judgement could tell me to. Very thin stuff, so there was a bit of an issue with my airbrush coughing droplets, either if I was a bit slow on letting go of the trigger as a last few drops could run through after the pressure was down, or by having those droplets stay in the nozzle and come flying out when the air was turned back on, so a quick puff of air to clean it between strokes is necessary. Some testing on the inside of the Harrier's wing also showed that, as expected from the consistency, it spiders easily.
Also, it separates out damn quick in the bottle, and cleans up very well with plain old booze. Much easier than, say, Tamiya acrylics.