>>5284777If thats the case, you might want to wait for the TPP sneaking suit revo thats gonna be out soonish, because the face is 10x more correct to the game (albeit caricatured, but certainly not to the extent as the PW), and has better articulation (a fucking toe joint horray!).
The only downside being he doesn't come with a AM MRS4 rife, only the vague bullpup thing and the sniper rife you get late, late, late into the game. But the fact you can have both attach to him the same way the game does was a thoughtful addition. Plus ROCKET PUNNNNCHHHHHHH
(also the wu pistol has that button that appears in first person mode now on it, the GZ one didn't have that detail)
also of note, the 1911 stand in pistol that came with the venom snake revolmini is almost 1/12 exactly, and GZ snake holds it perfectly (?)
And, if you want to get the TPP snake, you might want to get a PW snake on the cheap so you can swap the head and left arm to copy how that looks In game when venom snake puts on the MSF sneaking suit while still with his metal arm and "horn" still on his head, assuming the head/hair connects the same way.