>>6026772Short answer:
Yes, but it is not always easy. Statues in static, standing poses are the easiest to cut up properly, but even then that's assuming there aren't big parts of the sculpt like baggy sleeves or a skirt that would make things difficult still.
It also depends on the size of the statue and the joints being implemented. Hobby Base slim joints can mimic the old-style Figma layout of joints rather well, and but still have limits with lack of sockets. Hobby Base Sphere joints and Revoltech joints don't need sockets and can use Y-hips to attach legs instead of needing ball-sockets.
The real trick in turning a statue into a decent-looking articulated figure is applying the cuts at the right angles and carving out a sufficient amount of plastic to insert the joint neatly. It takes practice, so try your hand at it with cheap dollar store figures of many types. Try static-posed figures with stiff, straight limbs and then move your way up to figures with dynamic, bent limbs.