Took my sweet time taking pics of this, but i'm glad the anon here recommended me to build this set.
I bought it pretty much on a whim on force friday or whatever because of extra points, free shipping and the fact that the pieces were seemed useful. It also looked non-specific enough to fit in my non-licensed setup and very easy to reconfigure into something else.
After i saw the JANG review about i had a bit of buyers-remorse. But now that i've built it and fiddled around with it, i've come full circle and really enjoyed modding it.
The interior was very skeletal and open, it didn't even had a console and you could see the cheater wheels through it. So i maximized space to the utmost extreme to seat 4 figures, actually have a console and steeringwheel and even nice cushiony seats. I made it so that there is a enough space and headroom for figures with very long hair, airtanks or some type of crazy to sit in it.
>>6110960Yes, he was in a bottom of the (lego) barrel kind of situation for almost two decades. He truly deserves his opaque black visor and flame decals. But now his dark-ages are behind him and he spends his time chilling with his waifu and spacefriends.