>>7425140>>7425250I posted some rules on the OT forums (F) back in the day and started working on a ruleset before abandoning it.
HP = Hit Points
Def = is like D&D AC with 6 being the standard
MV = Movement Value in inches
Hit6 = The number you must roll on 2d6(?) to hit Def 6. Works like THAC0 so if you hit Def 6 on a 6 you need an 8 to hit Def 8
RA# = number of ranged attacks
RD = Ranged damage (range in inches)
Init = Units with higher initiative act first
MA# = number of melee attacks
MD = melee damage
Morale = roll against this number with 2d6 if a friendly unit with 6" dies. Equal or less and the unit is unaffected, more and the unit starts fleeing toward the starting area for two turns.