>>6791355And now we get to the long-awaited arms shipment (mini-rant here but not only did Canada Post keep this order in Calgary for over a week for no apparent reason, my remaining two Ali orders are still stuck in customs in BC, one of them for two freaking weeks now...). These bulk assortments tend to have good, bad and ugly and this one is no exception, though it's mostly good with very little of the rest.
Really the only bad/ugly is the excessive amount of BrickForge's Boba Fett's blaster rifle, the middle of the three biggest piles near the top, particularly as I already had quite a few of them from a previous bulk order.
More welcome are the piles of Rebel blaster rifles, Clone Trooper blasters and Halo DMRs and suppressed SMGs, all BrickArms designs. Ironically enough I'm also glad to get a pile of BrickArms' Boba Fett's blaster rifle as they're more amenable to customizing. This assortment is also notable for the large amounts of Lego weaponry, namely the western rifle, Star Wars blaster and gangster gun.
Overall I'd rank this one of the better assortments out there, especially useful if you're looking to equip a Star Wars-themed army.