>>8795079By pure coincidence, I also found a Linda-058 at a used game/video/bookstore the same day I bought MC. She was $4 with all her armor but no weapons. I bought a Linda when she & the other Mattel Halo figures came out in 2016, but sold her on eBay about a year ago. I kinda regretted it, but now I got her back in a wonderful case of serendipity.
Comparing the older to newer Halo figures, you can see that MC is a lot bigger than Linda. Even though Linda is a girl and by rights, a bit smaller than the regular Halo boys, MC towers over her at 7” compared to Linda’s 6”. Then there’s Linda’s removable armor, which is very clunky. But I guess Mattel thought it would add to the play value & customizing between figures. Last is the QC issue, which Linda has none, despite being used and older figure. She can take a shelf dive while MC could not. Granted, her armor might fly off, but the figure itself would be fine.
BTW, has anyone know of a good head swap for Linda? I can’t take her dead eyed robot face. I tested a ML female head on her neck post, but found the ML’s neck hole to be too big and sat far too high on the post.