>>5265658http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=151300629281Right here, though the price could be better. These things are a huge pain to get if you don't order them off Rakuten or Amiami when they come out since otherwise your only bets are middleman services like Noppin. They aren't rare or expensive at all if you do use a middleman service though.
Keep in mind they're candy toy model kits, so you're probably going to need a hobby knife, some sprue-cutters, a bottle of Future, and some sandpaper. The parts aren't always molded at just the right size, so you may need to sand down some joints or tighten them with Future.
I've had good luck with that kit so far though, it hasn't given me too much trouble. Problem is, I don't see his mount here for sale on any US sites.