Welcome to the Power Rangers General!
Newly Released:
>Lightning Collection Psycho Green (Pulse Exclusive)>Lightning Collection Dino Charge Black Ranger (Target Exclusive)>Lightning Collection Dino Thunder White Ranger (Walgreens Exclusive)>Lightning Collection Psycho Ranger Team Pack (Amazon Exclusive)>Lightning Collection Omega Ranger & Uniforce Cycle (Amazon Exclusive)Lightning Collection Putty Patrollers 2-Pack (Pulse Exclusive)
>Lightning Collection MMPR Red Helmet>Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Power Morpher (Walmart Exclusive)>Lightning Collection Dragon Dagger>12" Zeo Megazord (Non-transforming)>12" Figures (MMPR Red, MMPR Black, MMPR Blue, MMPR Pink)>12” Morphin Heroes (MMPR Red, MMPR Blue, MMPR Pink)>9.5” Value Figures (MMPR Green, MMPR Pink)>Beast Morphers Beast-X King Ultrazord>Beast Morphers Beast-X King Mega Bow>Beast Morphers Beast-X King Spin Saber>Super Minipla Victory Robo (Lightspeed Megazord)>Super Minipla Grand Liner (Supertrain Megazord)August:
>Lightning Collection Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd 2-Pack (Gamestop Exclusive)>Lightning Collection Zordon and Alpha 5 2-Pack (Walmart Exclusive)September:
>Lightning Collection Lord Drakkon Evo III (Pulse Exclusive)>Shodo Super Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive (Lightspeed Rescue)>Super Minipla LinerBoy (Max Solarzord)Fall:
>Mighty Morphin Buildable Dino Megazord (Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops & Sabertooth, Mastodon & Pterodactyl)>Dino Charge T-Rex Zord>Playskool Heroes 2-Packs (Green Ranger & Lord Zedd)>Basic Ranger 3-Pack (MMPR Red, DT Blue, DC Pink)>Beast Morphers Basic Figures (Beast X King Red Ranger)>Beast Morphers Beastbot Packs (Blue Ranger & Morphin Smash)>Beast Morphers Basic Figure 6-Pack>Beast Morphers 12" Figure 5-Pack>Lightning Collection Logbook:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hFB1kL_TdbAd7mCd2VQ1PsbE90J650W_bti5w9azKHI/edit?usp=sharing>Archived Threads:https://archive.nyafuu.org/toy/search/subject/Power%20Rangers%20General%20/Previously: