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Is anyone else feeling a little stagnant with the collecting landscape right now? It may just be me and what I collect but I am growing increasingly disillusioned with the I dustry as of late. I feel like with the increasing prices of toys and the plummeting quality control across the board, I feel like this hobby is becoming less fun for me. I've been buying far less this past year than even just a year or two ago.
Stuff like MLs have hit all the major comic and movie characters I care about. I'm only buying a figure it two a wave, if any at all. I'm skipping the next few announced waves. Star Wars suffers from shit distribution and a plague of rereleased characters with only slight improvements or different packaging. Power Rangers is a mess of QC problems, GIJoe is impossible to acquire due to store exclusivity. And that's just Hasbro. McFarlane is one step forward two steps back, Jazzwares is losing licenses left and right. NECA is also a distribution nightmare. More expensive companies like Mezco are relying on shit like FOMO and are increasing prices. Even imports aren't immune. figma's prices keep increasing despite zero innovation, Bandai's QC has been absolut ass since they started using Vietnam factories and don't even get me started on fucking Mafex. Only one I can't complain too much about is Revoltech, I've been incredibly happy with my last few.
I dunno guys, I feel like I'm starting to fall out of the hobby a bit. Anyone else feeling this way? Pic unrelated.