>>9803179Could you give a more thorough description of the red dragon? Was it bipedal or quadrupedal? Western or Eastern? Was it wearing any armor, did it have any gimmicks (fire breath missile, flapping wings, etc)? Did it have a large, noticeable gem on its chest? What kind of horns did it have? The more descriptive you are, the better the chances of narrowing things down are.
The two red dragons that come to mind so far are Stendhal Titanium Dragon from the Mega Bloks Dragon line (specifically, the Iron Ages sub-line) and Pyre the Fire Dragon from Knights of Tir Na-Nog. Both of those sound too big...but the red dragon from the Mighty Max Dragon Island playset is around that long and came with (among many others) a Skull Master figure (who couldn't ride the dragon - it only had a slot for Max) that has a purple cape and no joints.