>>10917632>Are you just trolling or are you some fucking third worlder zoomer who's seen star wars in his life?NTA but I'm pretty sure "He's not twice the size of the Stormtroopers" is what the guy was saying. David Prowse was indeed a very large guy but he wasn't Primarch height.
Yes, Abaddon is a big guy, and I'm pretty sure JT's depiction is accurate (which makes sense as they've consistently gotten the scale pretty on the money, in as much as scale in 40K is ever anything other than royally fucked) but I understand people wishing he wasn't quite so fuckhuge. It does look odd even if it's accurate.
>Subjectanon accusing others of being casuals when he STILL refuses to post a single miniatureKek and lel.
>Captcha: ARGHAJesus, Subby's retardation is hurting computers now.