>>9457063Ah, heard that one get praised or brought up now and then, possibly for a Tarn retool/custom due to the shouldertreads. He does look quite like a transformer. The hands look very powerful, yeah!!
>not willing to go through the trouble of finding one and repainting it.Relatable..
>>9457078>I just don't wanna have to mask and prime shitI know about Transformers Prime but I've never heard of Transformers Mask. But the discussion of a C-lister means I gotta post their stinky smelly bio.. other people posted bios for obscure guys they were discussing anyway, so uh
>>9457090I thought the whole thing was green, what the fuck? Is this for grey hulk? Wouldn't be too bad making it a thing for Horri-Bull..
>>9457093It looks a very neat toy, I think in some continuity it was Starscream's body. But Waspinator deserved a transmetal upgrade, yeah.
>Starscream and Waspinator fuze/the possession left an influence, making him smarter and meaner and less of a jokePurple and yellow was I think a Buzzsaw variant, unsure- hm, actually I'm getting confused as well what the fuck