Reminder, Retroblasting started the fight with Scott Nietlich, because he was angry at Super7 for making the Thundertank, because he was angry at Hasbro for making the Sail Barge and not selling it at massive clearance prices for $20 at Target.
This is the video where Michael started the fight, and he conveniently unlisted it due to the blow back it caused immediately after. In it he shills the new Action Force toyline by Bobby Vala and interviews Vala, trying to get him to accuse Super7 of being a scam company that's ripping people off. The whole goal of the interview was so Michael could say he had a former Hasbro employee on record saying that the Super7 Thundertank was an overpriced rip-off and that every other toy reviewer was a shill except him. Flynn from Super7 had to do several videos on the price, because several people, particularly Retroblasting's friends and followers were actively accusing him of scamming people: then put out a video addressing the Thundertank, explaining that Thundercats is a very niche franchise and there's no current media presence to get retailers to carry it, and then went on to explain how low production run toys cost more, and why they cost more, and why more tooling makes a toy cost more. and Lio then began showing up in Scott's comments attacking people and criticizing Scott, because he essentially said that Retroblasting was wrong, despite not knowing who Michael was at that point.
Pic related.
LioConvoy would also then put out this attack video claiming Scott is wrong, and that he as a childless man in his mid to late 30's who buys toys meant for children is right, because Michael, another childless man in his 40's who buys children's toys is always right in his mind: