>>6167024The future? I honestly can't tell at this point.
I have a few ideas but I'm still working on them, whatever comes next I just hope it's something new and not a reboot.
I'd like to see CCBS evolve in the future. I think Lego has the right basic idea, but the system needs to both develop its strengths while eliminating it's weaknesses.
A lot has been said about the good of CCBS. Its balljoint based construction allows for tons of flexibility. It's a lot easier to get the right armor angles compared to the old system, and the modularity is crazy enough for you to easily add extra limbs or anything else imaginable. The system stays true enough to its mission that the parts are timeless and extremely versatile. This is even more impressive when recolors come into play. Consider the following; if just ONE shell of a rare color was made, you could use it all over a MOC with no trouble.
And of course there are its problems. Detail is a big issue. The addons are a half-solution that works, but it makes bulking up a necessity. There is currently no way to attach detail directly to the frame. In addition to detail, CCBS has by large used the same shapes since its inception. We need some more shell shapes as well as detailed shells. Part versatility is a double-edged sword that gives us pieces that can be used again and again at the cost of having less variety (See; Hand, Feet, Bones).