>>11336454for the AC player-characters, they would need to make special heads, and hair pieces for those special heads.
there's so much variety in player characters, I'm not surprised Lego is too cowardly to attempt doing that. I'm not trying to say they would be too "woke" with the skin tones or hair styles trying to "check all the boxes" for diver-sah-tay, but no matter what your personal character looks like, there's still only a very small chance Lego would make one to match
but... imagine if every set they released had ONE (diverse) player character in it (the head piece could be the same but with different skin tones and printed expressions, that probably isn't too much (and one special hair piece? maybe a couple could have been re-colors?) there might be a chance they could have done a figure you could be happy with by now
but they haven't, so it's not likely they will, at all, at this point.
but I'm surprised they have not done a CMF line yet, for the neighbor animals. they already have the head molds, just re-color them and new prints, seems easy-peasy. with little mini-builds for items