Nobody cares about Powerlords.
>>11288074>do not give him (You)sI been sayin that for years. But dude is just a fungus who can't get over the fact that nobody cares about his made up fantasies. Sadly whatever bug is up his ass won't let him just go away, even if people rightfully ignore him. I find the best thing to do is to not just ignore him, but post pics and such to at least give something else to discuss besides his lowest of low hanging fruit.
So pic related is a quick and dirty group shot of *most* of my Skeletons. Missing from the pic are Keltus and two wave 1 Skeleton LBs as they're all mounted and take up too much space on the desk. I'll try and get a better horde shot over the next few days after I actually get around to organizing the rest of the armies.