>>6421910You never addressed the merit of his/my argument about the elbow sculpt has already been cut, and the ball joint on the elbow has already put in place. So we are complaining purely on sculpting ground to allow for range of motion, not adding more joints and adding more cost onto the figure. You misunderstood the crux of the argument because you had terrible reading comprehension and strawman the complain into a complain about adding more joints/hinges and when you got called out and BTFO put meme picture instead.
The 4H had a good history of putting sculpt ahead of articulation if you have any DCUC or MOTUC figure, they're all terribly cut and articulated like pic related, character being unable to put their iconic poses and elbow that can only bend barely below 90 degrees. This is why DCUC is such a laughing stock for Marvel Legends who are by themselves just mediocre 20 bucks Walmart figures but have amazing articulation by comparison to anything Mattel offers on the same Walmart shelves.
If you don't care for articulation, don't care for taking picture of your toys/playing with it and just shove it into cluttered detolf like most MOTUC/DCUC/Legends collector then good for you, you can enjoy the troll figure and you like having him being imposing with a neutral stance. However you cannot argue that the figure is well thought out well engineered one in terms of articulation because it is not.