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Mascot Draw Anon here
whipped up a preliminary idea for junkion crab's transformation.
Wanted to get the general form down before I go in and add all the junk to the shell, and decide on style.
G1 beasts are very different than BW beasts, wasnt sure which one you all wanted, so I figured I'd post first, then make the design changes before I do the full concept.
So far, I have the front crab legs folding up to form the front of her thighs with her lower legs coming from the underside of the shell, with the other two crab legs becoming sort of a hip skirt. The head tucks under the shell to form the tube top, and the remaining shell opens up and tucks onto her back.
Also, what junk should be stuck to her shield?
Melee weapons? Guns? Minicons?
Also, thinking of inverting the colors, making the crab portion red and the shell brown, but then she'd be a little more drab, didn't know if you guys would like it.
Also, completely open to whatever head design you all want. I tried 3 already, and not that happy with any.