>>10714679>McFarlane's quality has plummeted over the years;actually the reverse.
If you bought the last dragon they produced for the GoT line, you'd know they fixed the wing issue and made the plastic thicker or used a harder plastic.
Even later winged creatures like from the Harry Potter line also have no droopage issue. My Horntail dragon and the Griffin have been on display for years without any droopage, and they also made them into actual articulated toys instead of McStatues.
That said, you really can't comment on a brand new line 3 years after previous figures were released, because it's 3 years later and it's a brand new line and could be made out of fiberglass for all you know. They seem to have even less articulation than the GoT dragons and are definitely mcstatues, so they don't have to worry about play tolerances.