Okay guys, I am planning my first project and would like to know if what I'm doing is correct.
I am wanting to paint the yellow parts of pic related as blue (making a "Snow Kagamine" custom nendoroid) and painting his black parts metallic silver.
1) I am going to use masking tape to tape off the shirt, which is not going to be painted. I am then going to use a grey primer (Tamiya Grey Primer... does primer need to be thinned btw?) on all areas due to be painted.
2) I am going to use Tamiya Metallic Silver Acrylic paint, with thinner to paint the shorts. Blue acrylic on the parts that need to be blue, etc.
3) Once dried. I'm going to spray it with a matte top coat (
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rustoleum-AE0040003E8-400ml-Crystal-Clear/dp/B001W03PS6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_21_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=31rLSpHw9sL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR113%2C160_&refRID=1T03NJHCYPJB77AGRSTK Is this okay?)
4) Use waterslide decals to put snowflakes on the hair, and then seal with a decal sealant
Does that sound okay? Have I missed anything out?