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bumping with another conttribution to the transformers knock off/cash in pile. possibly one of my favorite purely on the merit of the film alone. where some of the cash ins like "robo-formers" were overdubbed localized hatchet jobs of classic anime like Getter Robo, Robotix was an attempt to upsell a Lego competitor to kids. The toys themselves arent much to gawk at aside from the neat little 5 poa pilots that came packaged with the sets. But what the toys lacked in durability and resilience, the hour long pilot film more than makes up for in lore.
Like the go-bots the robotix were once creatures of flesh and blood forced to adopt mechanical forms after a devastating global conflict consumed their world and made their planet mostly inhospitible to them. Unlike the gobots however, their original bodies were much more alien. They were depicted as these weird dinosaur people in space suits. In turn I suppose this was meant to explain why their robot forms assumed so many bizarre dinosaur like appearances. Whatever the case its certainly one of the most entertaining transformer swipes in creation. The full film has been on youtube for years now and every so often I rewatch it. Since its a pilot theres alot of points where the story starts and stops abruptly just to set down some more exposition and that can be tedious but I still highly recommend it for its weirdness alone. Even the human angle makes for such a bizarre addition. I cant help but enjoy it.