Got act modes Rumi and the snail shells summer wolf in today. Guess what. They can't effectively use their weapons. Heres the one that actually has a damn stand...
Rumi's body is great. She feels like a big, solid figma (she is). This is a great example of what the aga sets goodsmile could be, BIG, nicely detaild centerpieces with model kit armor. That said, the big ass mess that is her weapon thing... isn't the best... Not because of anything material wise, its solid, just what its trying to represent is... goofy.
I like that the stands hold the weight of the weapon so well. That was a pleasant surprise. Rumi can hold the individual weapons just fine, and some of the combine weapons, but the big... thing... obviously can't be used in any meaningful (handheld) way, at least as melee weapon. The prepainting is also pretty shit. Especially when you have to cut a nub thats in a pool of paint.
And yes, her stand was made in china.
>>9417223>>9416817Thats wild, I've never had a problem with that stand outside the one with light gear shitara. The joint on those needs to be inserted really carefully, otherwise it may be so tight it cracks. Did that have anything to do with the problem you guys where facing?