>>10309802I swear they said his 'personality module', was fried, not his memory circuit.
>>10308861>>10309633A bit off-topic, but assuming it is indeed the personality module, and since the issue is that it's a rare piece that can't just be pulled off of any droid and most likely must come from another IG unit, what are the odds that they're going to use this as an opportunity to give us a canon IG-88? Like, if Din ends up in Cloud City and finds the Ugnaughts never melted down the IG-88 Fett destroyed there during ESB, he could theoretically swipe its personality module and use it to repair IG-11, which would technically make it an amnesiac IG-88 since it wouldn't have the same memory module? Not that it's something I'd like to see (I actually liked IG-11 as his own character), but whatever the part is that they need to fix IG-11, it's got to come from another IG unit, and picrel (which is an IG-88 in both the old and new canon, even if Disney Wars says that's the only one) is the only other one we know of.