>>7640298>>7640312....am I missing something? Every Templar figure they've released has a full Red Cross on their Tunics and Shields. The Legion Builder even comes with a Banner.
If I had the space (and money) I'd grab at least two Legion Builders and Delphina (the female Templar) to go along with my Sir Godfrey (their first Templar figure) and have myself a little Holy Order of zealots because the Templars just look fantastic in numbers. But sadly I'm already out of room for these guys lol.
>>7640336If you're just building a small troop of Knights, I say go 2 Female, one Male. Especially if you plan to grab the Knight Builder II set (figure in the second column, fifth row). She comes with both a Tabard torso and an Armored torso, both with full paint, along side optional pauldrons, loin armor and heads. Mix and Match some of her parts with both the Steel and Iron Legion Builders and you'll have a set of unique but still team colored knights, all with unique bodies, heads and weaponry (Knight builder has a ton of extra weapons).
It'd create a nice, small team of varied figures who still look good as a group and give you a taste of why this line is so fun to collect.
>>7640533Fem Vamp comes with a really nice shiny black paint job. Even though it's all solid black, it looks really nice. She also has, imo, a better weapon set up with the Dual Blades/Sword/Shield combo compared to the Male Knights simple Spear/Sword/Shield load out. The Purple Plume also really pops for the Legion Builder.