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I've been on a bit of a Beast machines binge lately - I already reviewed Night Viper and Savage Noble, and just reacquired Buzzsaw a few days ago; now I have these three who, while technically being from the RID line, are all redecos of existing Beast Machines figures. Strangely enough, while all three are Vehicon designs (Scavenger, Mirage, and Spy Streak, respectively), these incarnations of them are actually Autobots - their Vehicon Spark Crystals have been replaced with red orbs (similar to BW Silverbolt) and they instead have Autobot faction symbols emblazoned on various parts of their bodies. From left to right we have Scavenger (who, despite having the same name and using the same mold, is NOT the same guy as the Vehicon and seems to be a reference to the Armada guy), Mirage GT (who is neither the Vehicon Mirage or the G1 guy, apparently being some version of the Spychanger guy also known as 'Counter Arrow'), and Nightcruz (The only female of the group, at least retroactively).
Like most Scavengers, this guy turns into a steamshovel-thing; as was the trend for BM Vehicons, he has a visible head in vehicle mode 0 in this case, his shovel is a dinosaur-like head with a gear-driven biting gimmick. His 'neck' is poseable and can fold up, and his Spark crystal is in his 'driver's seat' on his side.
Mirage GT does the same thing Tankor and the Tank Drones did in the BM cartoon and just leaves his robot head exposed in vehicle mode; he can look around and aim his head gun, though his missiles tend to get in the way (easily fixed by having him fire them off first). His Spark is on his underside between his front wheels.
Nightcruz, strangely, has no visible head of any kind in her alt mode, making her a bit of an oddity. Her usable gimmick is that pulling her Spark Crystal back causes her front to split open and her pair of missiles (actual springloaded ones, not like Mirage GT's pressure-launch ones) to fire.