>>7090328I couldn't find anything on the claim that Epic wants to make the selling of used games illegal, but I did find a lot about Epic suing a minor.
It happened about a year ago or so. Two players got both banned and threatened with legal action for allegedly creating a popular cheating engine for the game. It turns out one of the users is a 14 year-old minor but Epic is still, to this day, adamant on suing him, because according to them, this prepubescent child has caused them "major profit losses".
Kotaku features the letter the minor's mom sent to Epic in response to the threat:
https://kotaku.com/14-year-old-video-game-cheater-sued-mom-defends-him-1820752579You can look up more about this shit, but I warn you that most news outlets reporting it and their userbase are fucking cancerous. IGN in particular sounds like they were bought out by Epic. Their more recent articles on the matter shit on the kid for fucking cheating. The comments are all filled with unnecessary support for Epic and vitriol for the kid.