Seems I'm late with the news the fellow aussies...actually spent $360aud on fort max and found nothing but disappointment, as noted by here
>>5683877 and here
>>5683930 but no one posted his word for word which I'll do just for fun.
>I'll be real metroplex is the better toy, there's too much of him in Fort Max's design and it hurts the quality, playability and makes you feel like your transforming him wrong a lot of the time.>I really thought fort max was gonna have more guns, he doesn't even have the wrist gun that metroplex has. The back of the hand guns I can kinda forgive but when metroplex already had the gun? Weird choice hasbro.Also I would gladly sacrifice the sounds in base mode to be able to have those hip guns. He just looks and feels a lot smaller than metroplex. For a guy called Fortress Maximus, I'm not getting that from his toy. The original had way more features in base mode than his updated counterpart.
>Cerebros's shoulders are held in by two small tabs that pop out constantly due the rest of the joints being too tight I'm already starting to get some stress marks in the plastic and I got him yesterday. >I love this toy because I love the character and the line that he's going to be a part of and I was always a headmasters fan, it's just to me this whole figure screams missed opportunity. He's a great toy but when compared to metroplex comes up short in all three modes. I'm going to be smart and wait for a sale, current objective is $98aud and below, which is what I paid for my metroplex back in the day.
When he mentioned the cerebros shoulder coming out I actually assumed it was the balljoint in the forarms but no its the upper arm into the shoulder assembly, which is annoying but kinda fits the fact he's just a giant kids toy.
Because you can just shove that shit back in easily, that said sounds like its TOO easy to do it.
A let down it seems, if I'm lucky I won't have to buy it and the scalpers will have them all