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Got this guy because Legacy disgusts me, he grew on me really quickly and I began customizing him the next day. I see every little flaw in the paint and decals glaringly but overall I'm quite happy with him. The mold has serious flaws: no wrists, waist, or ankles, and his arms are begging for a double elbow. The waist hurts most of all because with a few adjustments I think he could have had a swivel below where his arm assemblies attach to his hips. The Headmaster gimmick doesn't really bother me that much, with a caveat for tank mode. Positively, he's BIG and his proportions scream a shocking mix of strength and speed. I like the spring-loaded pylons that can go on the sides of his head but generally leave them down for the sake of articulation. They do look cool for combat, though, a little extra shielding. The way the tank treads are wholly incorporated into the arms is nice, it gives a strong visual contrast to the jet-ness of his feet and legs and sells the idea of him being like a chaotic, disastrous amalgamation of a storm and an earthquake. Really happy to have gotten him so inexpensively with a cool rare 3p gun.