I'm going to clean this up. I was looking for something else and found this old, odd figure I got out of a dollar bin, loose. I realized the coat came off so I'm going to clean it up.
>>7970130That Gomez figure was pretty cool.
>I'm the same, but Mezco has started to change my mind. Only on POpeye for me. I've wanted one for ages but the latecomer tax was too much for me. THen the preorder came in for $20 more than the latecomer tax, and with more outfits, and a bruised face, and a Bluto with accessories. THey haven't changed my mind on it, but they made one that I finally wanted enough to open my wallet for. Space Ghost is the other one but I am still on the fence about it with the price, horrific Blip and he looks like he's wearing long johns. Why couldn't they have made the suit smooth?
I don't know if you live in the states but when I was there the Dollar Tree had some nice baby carriages in the wedding/"it's a boy/girl aisle that would scale nicely if you wanted to make a weaponized one for your grub like in the movie.
>>7970060You can search "5mm dice" if you can't find that batman one I mentioned. It's a touch bigger but they work.
Where on this infected ball of dirt did you get that shogi set? That thing is amazing.
>may still do so.You should.
>i love sharing here, everyone being helpfull to another for miniatures is always nice.This and "A thread about toys" are some of the more pleasant threads. Both are ones I found and just kept them going after they died. Bit of hate at first for using a name on this board but water finds it's own level. I went to a Mega Man thread the other week and people are really nice there as well.