Mud mix went pretty meh, used too much plaster and a lighter pigment that the color I wanted due having extra of that color, went very gloopy and not sticky and the shine is very dull for wet mud. Also used some color I hate for rust on the tracks it was a disaster but I just wanted to use it to get my money worth for a useless paint. Next time I'll stick to using what I really need instead of trying to make leftover trash useful. Not difficult to fix but easily avoided stuff.
>>8814744I used to hand paint tamiya and let me tell you you need to go thick on it bby and learn to read on the go what the paint wants to do.
You can try what other anons said for using those paints but if hand painting is what you'll mainly will do skip those tamiya ones if possible, good for airbrushing and small touches not so much for other stuff. Get vallejo model color, or fuck it, citadel paints as they are pure acrylics and are a charm to brush on and worth it.
Compare prices blah blah but worth the money imho. Citadel not so much, quality is high and there's perhaps a warhammer store near you but that's it. Pot design is oof, price is oof plus you need to investigate color matches due weird names. Leadbelcher is one of the best brushed on metallic I've ever tried tho
Are you the guy that I gave the italian color mixes a while ago?
>>8815006git gud with the brush and/or use masking tape/ruler/whatever straight thing on and off as an aid. What
>>8815176 says is called hairspray chipping, laziest way to get good results kind of technique (really interesting to layer up effects but irrelevant to your question) BUT it might not chip away the way you want as it's kind of random sometimes. As always there's several ways to get the sameish results, use what suits your objectives, skills and materials.