>>9546651And you're just a salty spinster in more ways than one.
See? I can dismiss you by calling names too!
>>9546827No, I don't think there's any malice to it on a conscious level. It's more of a subconscious "microaggression" thing that woke folks think they're above due to their hubris. But they aren't. Worst, they call YOU racist for bringing up their own blindspots.
Pocahantas & Moana's outfits aren't very fashionable, but Lord knoes that Mattel & Hasbro tried their best to make P&M's respective fashion dolls "fashionable." Pic related.
I haven't seen much complaints about Jasmine's "cultural appropriated" dresses, although I wouldn't be surprised if someone on Twitter bitched about it. Those arguments have no leg to stand on since the movie "Aladdin" takes place in fictional middle east country in a vague time period with a backdrop of high magic. How the hell do you find authentic outfit for that?
You forget that the 20's was the start when modern SEXY came into the forefront in a big way. Flapper dresses showed ALOT more skin & curves than Victorian dresses from the past generation. Also, flapper style is still considered "high fashion" to most modern sensibilities, due to today's fashion trend of dressing down to the point where bathroom slippers & pajama bottoms are acceptable social attire. Ugh.
And yeah, I agree with you too whole heartily on Raya. Why Disney had her in that doofy straw hat in all the promo shots is beyond me.