>>9822065>>9822063I wonder, if they were allowed to use original robot and vehicle mode designs, and thus were less constrained in terms of transformation schemes,
would Hasbro’s current crop of designers be able to pull of a modern, full sized, Leo-Kaiser-style kibble-less combiner?
None of the recent examples of that approach have been great, but arguably all of those were also being hamstrung by additional constraints:
-FOC Bruticus was made during an era of severe plastic-budget cuts, and pretty much every figure in the line ended up feeling a bit anemic as a result, even the ones who weren’t also trying to be a combiner on top everything.
-Gen Centuritron was a mincon 3-pack, combining both the difficulty of making a good looking 3-member combiner, with the budget and size constraints a being a single deluxe-scale figure.
-And the RID 2015 Gestalt combiners were all Warrior scale torsos with legends scaled limbs. Also if memory serves, the limbs also had that “crash-combiners” activators-style gimmick, resulting in all of them being bricks in all 3 modes.
(RotF Legends Devastator and the more recent Studio Series full scale version were both pretty well received, though both are pretty atypical examples due to the non-humanoid members and combined modes.)