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Alright you guise let's fix this cracking problem once and for all.
Before you activate the jaw feature use a hairdryer to heat the corners of the mouth up making both the paint and plastic malleable. Now keep the jaw opened and stretched until the plastic cools down or pour ice water over the surface.
Next snag some carnuba wax and work it into the corners of the mouth with a soft cloth. I'd repeat this process at least twice.
For already cracked plastic go snag some Loctite Plastic Bonding System glue. Use the bonding pen inside the cracks and use a hairdryer to dry it. Take a toothpick and carefully spread a thin layer of super glue inside the crack and close the mouth. Wait a few minutes. HEAT THE MOUTH UP before opening it and see if the glue held. If it did start buffing the surface with carnuba wax.
Word of warning, canuba wax is flammable and you don't want to get it all over your hands. It's great for softening and restoring paints and plastic, rubber or vinyl anything with plasticizers in them. Won't work with silicon or super soft stretchy rubber tho. If you can't find the pure stuff try a car wax with carnuba wax in it as long as it says you can use it on plastics.