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So I've been kicking around the idea of making some sort of kitbash using an old HG Sinanju I snapped up ages ago when the thing first came out. I had boxed it when I got the RG and wanted to do something with it, but it sat on the backburner for a while in favor of groupbuilds/other projects.
Jump to a few days ago when I'm unpacking some kits from moving and I stumbled on that HG Sinanju. After spending a couple of hours between yesterday and today mashing parts together while watching anime I ended up with this. Asides from some balljoints from a Ballden Arms set for the hips, everything used here is recycled from the HG Sinanju. I wanna incorporate the fuel tanks at some point (Either on the backpack or on the legs) but I'm not sure where. The only major parts I didn't end up using are the chest, the feet, and the shield.