>9252102Guys, don't get fooled by this guy. I distinctly remember a thread a long time ago that had this same image, he stole it because it doesn't have a date.
Now look at all of his other images. They're all taken from different places. The Protector of Earth and the Kardas are the same room, but compare say, the Kardas image >9252148, the Takadoxes (which I swear I remember from another thread long ago, again)
>>9252107, the boxes >9252204, these loose sets >9252146 >9252143
>>9252131, and these bohrok
>>9252141. ALL OF THEM are from completely different rooms/locations, not even the lighting is consistent - he tried to hide it by making all the images very low-quality. Why else would they be so pixelated?
Even if you don't believe me or think I'm being too hard, and you wanna email him, guaran-fucking-tee that he can take an exact picture of the sets you're "buying" from him alongside an EXACT timestamp date and time. And again, you're paying this guy through Paypal - make sure you at the very least pay for it as a "goods & service" transaction instead of a "friends & family" transaction - the latter of which you are incapable of disputing if he takes your money and runs. The former DOES let you dispute.
Don't be a fucking idiot.