Some sweet recent purchases, anons!
>>9098566Are you up to six GM Customs now? Is that legal? I'm not sure that's legal... haha!
>>9099628I love my TV Unit 1 and Unit 2! Would absolutely recommend the RD Ingrams if you're interested, though I'd also suggest purchasing the Movie version. The Movie version allows you to set up the Ingram as either Unit 1 or 2 and includes all the appropriate accessories for both units.
>>9104303I recently impulse bought Guncannon and now I have the urge to complete the team, haha. Where'd you snag your Guntank? Mandarake?
>>9104414Man, I love those exaggerated saber effects. I also love that circular muzzle flash effect that combines with the existing muzzle flash effects. I wish they included a pair of those in each color.