>>10698230Yeah I'm not disagreeing, and there are far more transhuman(marines, CSM/custodes) then there are greater demons. Demon primarchs are the top of the power tiers before you start getting into nutty stuff like Ctan, Old ones, the Emperor and Chaos Gods. The Silent King could probably take one though.
I'd say Xenos have far more inconsistent power-levels than the main characters of the setting(Imps and Chaos). The Swarmlord used to be the Tyrannid's "big bad" but it got Krumped by named characters right and left. The new Norn Emissaries are looking pretty respectable though, especially with one taking on a dozen Dreadnoughts and another killing 4 Custodes termies and their gunship whilst not even really focusing on them.
Eldar consistently get embarrassed in stories despite having some crazy psykers and tech.