>>7750304mata 100%. not a fan of nuva at all, unless you're willing to count takanuva. Mata is iconic and very aesthetically pleasing, loads of minute variation between figures and still some of the best masks in the series. Nuva armor made every toa except pohatu and to a lesser extent onua a total clone, introduced the over reliance on silver weapons that persisted throughout most subsequent generations, and the masks are all far larger than they should be in proportion to the figures themselves, while also being largely pretty ugly. I'd say that Tahu and Lewa made it out the least fucked up in terms of design, lewa is about as good as his mata form and tahu is only a little worse. Gali is the biggest downgrade, doesn't even have that iconic transparent blue mask anymore. It is cool that the nuva are designed to be able to store their weapons when not in use, and I still liked them when I was a kid but honestly they're a pretty severe downgrade. kinda glad we didn't even get a line of toa in 03, a year off to come up with the metru must have been necessary.