>>6491974Licensing is a good bet, as anon hypothesized in the last thread. I also think part of it is the fact that Bandai produces so much stuff that they don't have the factory time for more DX Chogokins right now. I mean, even for something relatively simple like Delta's VF-31 DXs, where the only notable differences between variants is the paint scheme and the head, there's still almost half a year between VF-31 releases.
I do hope you get the chance to get a YF/VF-19 DX at some point; it's an imperfect release, but it's still an awesome valk, especially for the price. I'd totally be up for YF-19/21 Hi-Metals too, though!
>>6492414Dang! Tempted to get a second one just because... good catch anon.
>>6492419You'll have to use a middle-man service like nippon-yasan. Another option is
mykombini.com, the advantage of that site is you only have to put 50% down, whereas at nippon-yasan you need to pay the full amount (plus shipping) when you pre-order.