>>5328886I can ignore what you wrote too and say shit that doesn't relate to anything and say my opinions to make myself feel better.
>calling people trolls for calling you on your damage control tirades on why Mezco shouldn't be anyone's TotYLike I said WAY BEFORE
You can like your shitty mego doll but don't say it's the best thing ever and even better than hot toys which is not.
> looking like the art it comes from and being able to do dynamic poses is the criteria for many people deciding which toys are worth being considered TotYSo this is the upper hand mezco has over hot toys? Hot toys batman doesn't look like the game model it was based off? Hot toys looks way more accurate to the original artwork than mezco bats.
Also I posed a pic of hot toys doing dynamic poses and all you people can say it can't bend it's knees while clearly it's bending his knees.
>hurr durr more articulationLike crutching? Can mezco do that as well? Also why does fucking articulation matter so much, it doesn't have to be able to do yoga, having enough articulation is good enough.
So you were wrong about "in a rubber suit that he can hardly move in" and I wonder what else you are wrong about.
>why many agree Mezco's Batman is TotY.Do a poll retard
I bet it will get 10 votes out of 50