>>5237245Pretty much Revolver/Smart Robin was when shit started to smell. Sigma L and Crox ain't bad but they're slight letdowns compared to SR and MADLAW shouldn't even be in the line he's so awful. They're started to consistently demonstrate that they've been making bad design calls over things that that would make their figures better.
Dinoking looks like misproportioned ass, the shells are so stupid expensive, their new Powermaster armor looks like ass and the Dinobots went downhill fast, Diaclone battles beat them to the punch for their core powered one, and there is no sign of another Warbot or whatever they're teasing with the little car bots.
All they got going is the rest of Function X with some Highbrow/Apeface/Snapdragon Hype. People are going to ignore their Hardhead over Maketoys MP styled and Hasbro's greebled, hollow piece of shit.
Plus, even if they're not the same people, Fansprojectcore is completely fucked. That 1 year membership sure for exclusives, discounts, and bonus extras sure came in handy when they didn't sell jack shit on their site since the trailer bundle. None of the functionality came online for fiction, "crystals", fan voting for the next figure, etc and they still haven't shipped the rest of the bonus figures that were to come with the Steecore trailer.
They're in a mess and they've long since been dethroned.