Selling stuff again, please take a look, I'm willing to work out deals.
All prices included shipping. US Only.
[email protected]Transformers Banzaitron: $20.00
LCBH Marv: $20.00
LCBH Star: $10.00
The Rock Elite 22: $15.00
Toybiz Apocalypse series Wolverine: $15.00
Toybiz Bishop (Bald Variant): $20.00
DCUC Wildcat: $20.00
DC Superheroes Bane : $15.00
Figuarts PC Vegeta: $25.00
Figuarts Android 16: $40.00
Figuarts Master Asia: $22.00
Gundam Assault Kingdom RX-178 Gundam MK II ( Titans ): $15.00
Deals on multiple purchases, and pictures when requested.
Buy three or more, and I’ll throw in extra goodies like random figures or something.
Buy $60.00 worth of stuff and I’ll throw in a free beige impact effect piece