>>10325556I know MLaaTR has somewhat of a cult fallowing, specifically among a fringe minority westaboos like Yoshinari You. Though, Drossel from Fireball is more popular in Japan. For every MLaaTRchads and handfuls of fireballchads, there are swarms of moeshitters, shonentards, and isekusofags drowning out the demands of the MLaaTRboo and to a lesser extent fireballchads. Hence why "muh waifu" gets metric ass tons of statues, where as fireballchads get fireballchads, and MLaaTRchads get a swift kick in the nuts. Seriously, these "muh waifu" statues are the funkopops of the east in terms of how have ruined shelves. There is a reason why Figma Drossel will never get a reissue, Figma has been plagued by sameface moeshit for over a decade.