>First setTahu, had to have him when I was 9 because muh fire guy. I remember seeing an ad like pic related in Lego Magazine and really wanting him because he reminded me of my prized Lava Roborider, thought he was a villain though.
>Favorite setManas for sure. I have fond memories of battling them with my friends and driving the poor things down the stairs. They were alright because of the god tier plastic though.
>Favorite year2002, had to have all of them bugs. Still working on getting Cahdok and Gahdok though.
>Least favorite setAny of the phantoka, broken joints everywhere. That was where I stopped buying G1.
>Least favorite year2010, which was the year I considered my childhood dead due to the shitty sets and Bionicle wrapping up after. Thankfully, G2 has revived it!