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I'm bringing back the "Top figures from 2010-2019" thing from the last OP because I wanted to take a picture of my faves but I didn't get around to it before the thread 404'd with shitposts.
>Best toy of 2019
I really didn't buy much, so it was between Sixgun and Stakeout, and Sixgun I really like more as an accessory, while Stakeout has been on my desk as fiddle fodder since I got him. I wish all the Micromasters were so good.
>Top 5
1. MP Artfire
2. LG Misfire
3. LG G2 Megatron
4. T30 Cosmos
5. TG Sandstorm
It's been a good decade, but fuck do I miss the LG line. Special mention to MP Wheeljack. I love him to death, but I just don't play with him as much as the rest of these guys.