>>88173634H got it in their head that their fanbase isn't made up of He-Man fags who only want 1:10 figures because their Mythic Legion and Gothitropolis toys had huge (at the time) Kickstarter sales.
So they thought they could lauchn a 1:18 science fiction line based on an unpopular 80s toyline just because they're 4H. They had previously launched the line to just ok sales in the early 10s and they wanted to restart the line again with all new designs.
Mistake #1: 4H is stupid and didn't use Kickstarter, which is one of the best ways to market an unknown brand.
Mistake #2: 4H is stupid and sent out emails n shit to only their customers early on
Mistake #3: 4H is stupid and only used their shitty amateur (read: SKETCHY AS FUCK) webstore to get preorders
Mistake #4: 4H is stupid and didn't put out a counter to show how much money they raised to get the fanbase to put in more money or spread the word to get others to reach their goal.
They only started to get the word out to the 1:18 fanbase (who backs up even shit lines just because it's 1:18) like a week before their crowd funding ended, but since there was no way to let anyone know how much they had raised up to that point, there was no rush/incentive to back it that's commonly seen with Kickstarters in the last few days.
Supposedly, the line was ALMOST funded according to 4H, so they said that they'd revisit the brand on later date. Why they didn't just EXTEND the fund raising period is just more 4H being stupid, since there's no limit on how long they can keep fundraising like we see on Kickstarter (Hasbro famously did this with their Unicorn). To prove to themselves of how stupid 4H are, they retained the Power Lords license for years afterward and eventually let it expire.
pic of a 1:18 generic cowboy line that was created by a well known thief/liar that got fully funded on kickstarter, because 1:18 scale fanboys will back anything 1:18.