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R8 nuhvok update.
And short bio:
Nuhvok-kaha bohrok of gravity. A member of 6 sentient Bohrok that have named themself the Bohrok-Kaha.
Nuhvohk-Kaha is a master of gravity, the device on her back powers her elemental powers and gives her acces to some kick ass ways defend herself. This device however is very heavy and to still maintain mobility she decreases the gravity around herself thus making her lighter and increasing her mobility by alot.
As known Nuhvok-kal destroyed himself when he created a blackhole around himself which he got sucked into. Nuhvok-kaha can create (small) blackholes to fight her foes or to use it to absorb projectiles.
Other powers include being able to modify the gravity of an area or around others making them float away at the slightest push or increasing it, making them unable to support themselves.