>>8761722>>8761729Canada websites and irl stores for walmart and toysrus, albeit the former doesn't often have good sales, latter doesn't have as good sales (but still check the flyer now and then) but still goes on alright.
Amazon.ca has retarded prices and availability, but you can still find some good sales here and there. Grapple was $32 a while back, Airwave for $20. Currently Snapdragon is $35 instead of $40. TRU has/had the best sales imo. EB Games has some TFs and is where Wallgreens exclusives go in Canada. Selection and prices have been bleh though, but I'm someone who almost never buys anything at full price.
Cybertron.ca is also your best fren as a Canadian. There's sightings for toys in-store and online, said toysrus flyer posted about, general news, as well as vendors posting stuff they're buying/selling/trading in Canada, perhaps even in your city. Best of luck, fellow Leaf. It's a struggle. Will post stuff about Canada sightings here if I do catch something.